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5 Factors for Carpet Restoration

7/19/2024 (Permalink)

Wet carpet, standing water on carpet, water damage Water damage in Andice, TX.

5 Criteria for Carpet Restoration

A flooded house in Andice, TX, is a hassle. A major worry you might have when water strikes is if your carpet will need to be replaced. If the flood is clean water from a pipe break or supply line to a household appliance, the damage can be undone. In addition to a clean source, successful recovery depends on these five criteria.

1. Water Remains Clean

Contaminants that change the water lurk around every home. Water is categorized in increasing severity depending on how contaminated it is. With time, a Category 1 flood can become Category 2 or 3. As it increases in classification, recovery of the flooring become less likely.

2. Timely Intervention

Time is not an ally in treating water damage. Even if it’s clean water from a pipe break, mold and deteriorating water are inevitable if the problem remains untreated. On top of the microbial threat, the flooring’s structure worsens and can split into unrepairable layers.

3. Age and Condition

Cheap or tattered carpet is typically not worth the cost of restoration. It’s sometimes more economical to replace the flooring. If you do not know the value, an insurance adjuster or other professional can assist in determining which is the better option.

4. Usage After Becoming Wet

Heavy foot traffic risks breaking apart the flooring in its wet and vulnerable state. Delamination, the process of layers coming apart, is more likely if the floor is used when not dry. The affected area should remain undisturbed or, at worst, lightly used if no alternate routes exist.

5. Proper Procedure

An incomplete job can leave carpet irreparably damaged or still in danger of growing microorganisms. Any company specializing in flooring restoration has access to industry-grade machines and established procedures to ensure water is adequately removed.

If you experience a water leak or pipe break, examine these five criteria so you can make informed decisions on which actions to take. After fixing it, the floor will be new or like new.

5 Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Any Disaster

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

List on a clipboard, batteries, flashlights, radio, gallons of water Disaster preparedness is an essential part of your long-term success plan.

Disaster Preparedness

When you're planning all of the logistics for getting your business up and running, it's important to add "prepare for disasters" to your to-do list. Disaster preparedness is an essential part of your long-term success plan. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 25% of businesses don't open again after a disaster. Here are five things you can do to be prepared to face anything that comes your way.

1. Prepare to Prevent

Some disasters can be avoided. Conduct regular maintenance and inspections of your property and address any issues quickly. Other disasters, such as natural floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, can't be avoided despite your best plans. Know the risks in Florence, TX, and prepare for those as best you can.

2. Protect Records

Don't leave records in a pile on your desk to deal with "someday." Use a physical safe that is water- and fire-proof or an online storage system that allows you to easily retrieve data from anywhere.

3. Keep Current Coverage

Check-in with your insurance company annually to ensure that your business preparedness plan is covered by the proper insurance policies. As your company grows, re-evaluate your needs and adjust coverage as appropriate.

4. Communicate Evacuation Plan

A disaster preparedness plan is only effective if it is widely known by your staff. Share your plan, practice it, and review it regularly. Ensure that it is a part of new staff orientation. Keep a current list of emergency contact numbers for each staff member in a safe place, as well as a second copy off-site or digitally.

5. Stay Up to Date

If it's been a few years since you last assessed your business preparedness plan, it's time for a refresher. Ensure that your plans are still relevant and up to date with the latest guidance. It's also a good idea to have the number of an emergency restoration company handy to get help as soon as possible in the event of a disaster.
Anything can happen to your business, but you can take measures to avoid lasting consequences. Disaster preparedness can help to solidify long-term success.

Tips for Ridding Your Home of Mold Odors

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Black mold growth on white wall. Mold damage Mold damage in Florence, TX.

Mold Removal

You walk into your house in Florence, TX, and immediately a musty smell hits you. You may not know exactly where the mold growth is, but that telltale mycotoxin odor means you know it's lurking somewhere in your home. There are several steps you must take to get rid of the fungus and the stench it leaves behind.

Locate Source
The first step in eliminating musty odor is finding the mold that's causing it. If you can't see it on any exposed surfaces, there are other places you can look:

  • Inside cabinets
  • Under sinks
  • Behind toilets
  • In bathroom grout
  • On food

Even after a detailed search, you may still not be able to find the mold growth in your home. If you cannot see where the odor is coming from, a mold test conducted by a certified environmental hygienist can reveal not only the affected area but the type of mold and extent of the concentration.

Clean Thoroughly
Throwing out moldy items can alleviate some of the mycotoxin smell. If you want to salvage the things that have mold or mildew on them, though, you must have them cleaned well. Thorough mold cleanup involves more than just wiping down the surfaces where you see the growth. Mold remediation experts ensure that they not only take care of the mold you can see but also mitigate the damage underneath. If there is a lingering smell, an air purifier with a HEPA filter can remove the remaining odor from the air.

Prevent Future Growth
After you have gotten rid of the mold, you don't want it to return. Use a dehumidifier to lower the amount of moisture in the air. Ceiling fans or other air circulation methods can also help maintain a drier home that is less conducive to mold growth. Once you solve the problem, you can prevent it from recurring.
If you notice a mycotoxin odor in your home, you must get rid of the mold growth that's causing it before it will dispel. Through proper cleanup and air filtration, your home can go back to smelling like it's supposed to smell.

4 Reasons To Board Up Your Home After a Disaster

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Board up window Board up your house after a fire or other catastrophe.

Four Reasons To Board Up Your Home

After a fire, storm or other disaster strikes your Georgetown, TX  home, your instinct may be to flee to a hotel or a friend's house immediately. Before you go, consider protecting your ailing home. It may seem like yet another thing to add to your already-crowded "to-do" list, but it could save you from further drama. Here are four reasons to board up your home until your fire and storm damage restoration company finishes undoing the damage.

1. To Stop Secondary Storm or Fire Damage
The potential for damage doesn't stop once the flames are extinguished or the wind subsides. Gaps, cracks and holes in your home can create more problems by letting in wind, water, debris and pests. These unwanted guests are problematic enough on their own, but they can also worsen damage originating from the initial event.

2. To Prevent Theft and Vandalism
Insects and animals aren't the only home invaders you need to worry about if you leave your home vulnerable. Missing windows and broken doors allow would-be criminals of all shapes and sizes access to your home.
There's likely more inside to steal than you realize, too. More and more, thieves are less interested in your big-screen TV than they are in nabbing personal information, appliances and even building materials.

3. To Keep Your Insurance Coverage
Your insurer may require that you board up your home after a fire or weather event in order to maintain your coverage. This is rooted in the same reasons listed above: the sooner you board things up, the smaller the window for additional damage or theft.

4. To Protect Yourself From Lawsuits
Did you know that if somebody enters your fire-ravaged kitchen and injures himself or herself, you could be forced to pay damages? Stop that possibility in its tracks when you halt unwanted visitors with an emergency board-up.
Board up your house after a fire or other catastrophe, and you can remove a variety of stressors from your family's agenda. That's time better spent looking forward to your restored home and taking a well-deserved break.

5 Steps To Solve a Bathtub Sewage Backup Problem

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Bathtub overflowing, clean water flooded a bathroom. Bathtub backup in Andice, TX

Take These Five Steps as Sewage Starts Backing up Into a Bathtub

When contaminated water or solid waste backs up into a bathtub, homeowners need to resolve underlying plumbing problems before cleaning and restoring damage caused by a sewer backup.

1. Plug the Bathtub Drain
A drain plug can be helpful for keeping backups under control. Plugging the drain limits the amount of contaminated water that can flow back into a bathtub or overflows into a bathroom.

2. Clear the Sewer Line Blockage
Water will follow the path of least resistance and most tub fixtures are lower than bathroom sinks and toilets. Clearing blocked primary or secondary drains may resolve an issue. Depending on the severity of a clog and the availability of plumbing tools, a homeowner may need to call a professional.

3. Limit the Scope of Damage
Any measures a homeowner can take to contain contaminated water and solid waste can minimize sewer backup damage. Bathtubs are easy to disinfect, but porous materials and contents may need to be torn out, disposed of, and replaced.

4. Dispose of Contaminated Materials
It is important to get rid of absorbent materials that cannot be disinfected. Any materials contaminated by flooding that remain intact raise risks of mold damage and exposure.

5. Disinfect Nonporous Surfaces
A bathtub and most nonporous surfaces in a bathroom can safely be disinfected. Depending on the extent of sewer damage, a homeowner may clean up a backup into a bathtub or need to call professionals for a more comprehensive cleanup and restoration.
It is important to limit the spread of contaminated water and waste during a bathtub backup at a residence in Andice, TX. While most tubs are made of hard, non-porous materials, absorbent grout or drywall surrounding a bath may be difficult to completely clean and continue to pose re-contamination risks after a sewer backup.

Mold in your Florence Restaurant

4/9/2024 (Permalink)

Mold growth on commercial kitchen wall Dishwasher station leak in Florence Texas restaurant caused this mold damage. SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City cleaned up the mold

Mold has a role in nature.  It is to decompose organic materials.  Mold in your Florence Texas restaurant does not have a role.  Mold can cause major damage to the construction materials in commercial buildings.  While mold spores are everywhere in our environment, they need moisture, warmth, and a food source to thrive.  In a restaurant, mold growth can lead to an unnecessary amount of waste, making foods inedible.  Call SERVPRO® of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City to clean up the mold.

Three common places mold can grow in a restaurant are the dishwashing station, the refrigerator, and under sinks.    

  1. Dishwashing Stations
    The dishwashing station can be a major contributor to mold. Pipes or water supply line leaks are common causes. This area has all the factors mold needs to grow, warmth, moisture, and organic material.  To help prevent any fungus from thriving in these areas, install a central ventilation system.
  2. The Refrigerator
    Behind freezers and refrigerators is a location mold can be found. Mold found behind appliances is a by-product of the cooling system. The motor produces the warmth.  Moisture is produced by the condensing unit.  The food source is items that end up underneath and behind the appliance.
  3. Under sinks
    Both the kitchen and bathrooms have sinks that are prime locations for mold to grow. High volume of people going in and out of these areas make them even more prone to mold. People track debris into these rooms providing a food source for mold.  Running faucets and flushing toilets contribute to standing water in these areas. 

If you find mold growth in your restaurant, contact SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City to thoroughly clean the area. Though airborne microbial particles cannot be avoided, you can keep their growth under control with routine cleaning and maintenance.

SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City is available 24/7 by calling 512-843-5943

Torrential Rain Damages Georgetown Businesses

4/9/2024 (Permalink)

Storm water damaged commercial building flooring and cabinets Torrential rains caused this commercial building to in Georgetown to flood

Storms like hurricanes and torrential rains can cause water damage to your commercial building in Georgetown Texas.  It is important to be prepared for water damage to your building.  Knowing what steps to take to keep your employees, building, and yourself safe is critical. Let SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City help you with these critical steps.

The first thing to do if you have water damage from a storm is to understand what category the water is. Depending on whether it is category 1, category 2 or category 3, mitigation and restoration processes will be different. Most storm water that enters your building is Category 3.  If you have category 3 or black water, here are some tips to mitigate damages as quickly as possible.

Category 3, also known as black water, has the highest level of contamination. The water may be contaminated with bacteria and microorganisms, pesticides, fertilizers, or animal feces. Category 3 water requires the highest level of care when dealing with it.

What To Do If Your Building Has Category 3 Water
No matter which type of water damage you have, it's important to call in a professional water restoration company to perform the mitigation process.   It is especially important if you have category 3 water damage. Only professionals, like SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City  should deal with removing contaminated water and mitigating damages from Category 3 water damage. A restoration company will use the proper personal protective equipment and thorough safety procedures to ensure that everyone is safe while mitigating damages.

How To Restore Your Building
After the damages have been mitigated, the reconstruction process can begin. The reconstruction process includes replacing the building materials damaged or removed because of the storm.  SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City is a full-service restoration company.  SERVPRO® makes it “Like it never even happened” .  So you can resume normal business operations.

SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Georgetown, Florence, Sun City is available 24/7 by calling 512-843-5943

Winter Fire Safety for Commercial Properties

2/13/2024 (Permalink)

commercial fire damage during the winter Stay safe, warm, and call us for any of your restoration needs!

As temperatures drop and the winter season unfolds, commercial property owners face unique challenges in ensuring the safety and security of their premises. With heating systems running at full capacity and holiday decorations adorning the surroundings, the risk of fire becomes a significant concern. To safeguard your commercial property and its occupants during the winter months, here are three essential strategies to implement:

  1. Regular Maintenance of Heating Systems: The heart of any commercial property during winter is its heating systems. Regular maintenance and inspection of boilers, furnaces, and HVAC units are paramount to prevent potential fire hazards. Schedule professional inspections to ensure that heating equipment is operating efficiently and without defects. Clear any debris or flammable materials from around heating units and ensure proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of combustible gases. By prioritizing the maintenance of heating systems, you can mitigate the risk of fires caused by faulty equipment or improper operation.

  2. Implement Stringent Electrical Safety Measures: Electrical malfunctions are a common cause of commercial fires, especially during the winter when electrical usage spikes. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your property's electrical infrastructure to identify and address any potential hazards. Inspect wiring, outlets, and electrical appliances for signs of wear, damage, or overloading. Implement overload protection devices and surge suppressors to safeguard against power surges and prevent electrical fires. Educate employees about safe electrical practices, such as avoiding the use of space heaters with extension cords and unplugging non-essential devices when not in use. By prioritizing electrical safety, you can reduce the risk of fire and ensure uninterrupted business operations.

  3. Establish Clear Fire Safety Protocols: Effective fire safety protocols are essential for commercial properties to minimize the impact of potential fires and ensure the swift and orderly evacuation of occupants. Develop and communicate clear emergency evacuation procedures, including designated exit routes, assembly points, and emergency contact information. Install and regularly test fire detection and alarm systems to provide early warning of potential fire incidents. Equip your property with appropriate fire suppression equipment, such as fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and emergency lighting, and ensure that employees are trained in their proper use. Conduct regular fire drills to familiarize occupants with evacuation procedures and reinforce the importance of fire safety awareness. By establishing robust fire safety protocols, you can enhance the preparedness and resilience of your commercial property against the threat of winter fires.

In conclusion, proactive measures are crucial for keeping commercial properties safe from fires during the winter season. By prioritizing the maintenance of heating systems, implementing stringent electrical safety measures, and establishing clear fire safety protocols, property owners can mitigate risks and protect their assets, occupants, and livelihoods. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and prioritize fire safety to ensure a secure and productive winter season for your commercial property.

Is Your Carpet Salvageable After a Pipe Break?

11/3/2023 (Permalink)

Standing water on carpet Water damage to carpet in Georgetown, TX.

A pipe break could require significant restoration efforts when water spreads across your home's floors in Georgetown, Texas. When water soaks your carpet, you may wonder if you should try to salvage or replace it. Your decision may depend on the following factors.

Insufficient Drying Measures

Homeowners attempting to dry their water-soaked floor coverings may find the following efforts are insufficient and may even spread contaminants:

  • Blotting with towels
  • Sprinkling baking soda over wet areas
  • Applying heat with a hairdryer
  • Running fans without opening windows

Opening windows and running dehumidifiers can help, but a flood restoration company's services are critical. Professionals can quickly and efficiently apply water extraction and sanitization methods, using powerful tools to prevent mold growth.

Exposure Time
The longer a carpet remains wet after a pipe break, the higher the probability that it will not be salvageable. Even the cleanest water can become unsanitary as it remains in the fibers. Quickly lowering the overall humidity level of a room can prevent mold spores from penetrating the air and compromising the furnishings within it. Still, it is prudent to contact a professional drying service immediately following a flood to prevent further damage.

Underlying Floor Condition
Floors and paddings that remain wet can lead to the growth of mold spores that can quickly penetrate the fibers of coverings sitting over them. Removing and replacing flooring before returning carpeting may be necessary depending upon its materials and how readily they absorb moisture.

Choosing To Replace
Replacing a water-soaked carpet can be the best decision, especially if mitigation efforts were delayed. Sometimes the fastest efforts to dry can't prevent or entirely remove bacteria, mold and other contaminants, so removal and replacement is the only option.
If you need help deciding if your rugs and other belongings are salvageable after a flood from a pipe break at your home, a professional disaster recovery service can assist and advise.

Business Survival After a Fire

10/6/2023 (Permalink)

Water dripping from ceiling, building damaged by fire and water, mud on floor debris on floor Commercial fire and water damage in Andice, TX.

Business Survival Following a Fire

The fire department has left. The fire is out, but fire, water and smoke damage remain. Now it is time to resurrect the business from the ashes. This is where traditional fire insurance comes into play. It will help with the cost of fire restoration and, in time, the company can resume normal operations. Until then, however, there are still bills to pay. This is where interruption insurance enters the picture.

Financial Impact: Direct

A business that is partially shut down has less revenue. A business completely shut down has none. A shutdown impacts customers and stockholders, but at least they won’t be looking for payments from the business. For the landlord, utility companies and government, it’s a different story. Regardless of the situation, business owners still have to pay the following:

• Rent
• Utilities
• Taxes

In addition, other vendors may also come to collect. An interruption insurance policy can help the business deal with these problems and minimize the financial impact of the fire.

Financial Impact: Indirect

business interruption can result in several other one-time expenses that don't directly impact revenue but affect profitability. Insurance can help with this as well. For example, if the operation can be temporarily moved to another location, the cost of relocating both ways could be covered. If employees need to be retrained to use new equipment, that could be covered. Even lost profits or some portion of lost revenue could be covered. A good interruption insurance policy can be the difference between a successful recovery and a dismal failure.

The Real Job

With the insurer handling the financial aspects of the fire, the business can focus on fire restoration. It is in everyone’s best interest that this gets done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, the business needs a qualified and capable restoration expert from Andice, TX, on the job. Soon, the business will be up and running again, better than ever.